Welcome to Colney Heath Parish Council Member’s Handbook.  This virtual handbook has been prepared to provide information for new and current councillors outlining their role and duties as well as providing information for the public.

Contact Information

Address: Highfield Park Office, Highfield Park Visitor Centre, Hill End Lane,

St Albans AL4 0RA                            

Telephone: 01727 825314 or 07484 520070 Website: www.colneyheathparishcouncil.gov.uk

Council Staff

Clerk : Lisa Peters LCGI PSLCC CPFA CiLCA

Finance Officer : Michele Gilbert

Common Ranger : Charles Nash

Councillors and Wards

Click here to view Councillor and Ward details

Click here to view Maps of the Parish

Councillors agree to work under the CHPC Code of Conduct 2023-24 and are guided by the Good Councillor Guides produced by NALC:

Good Councillors Guide (general)

Good Councillors Guide finance and transparency

Good Councillors Guide neighbourhood planning

Good Councillors Guide transport planning

Good councillors Guide community business

Good councillors Guide cyber security

Good Councillor’s guide to employment

Roles and Responsibilities – Councillors, Chair, Clerk, Officers and Staff


Full Council meetings are held monthly (except in August), generally at four weekly intervals at the end of the month to approve payments.  All meetings are currently held at Colney Heath JMI School, High Street, Colney Heath, AL4 0NP and start at 7.30pm.

CHPC Register of Interests Form May 2023

CHPC Dec of interest Flowchart

CHPC Declaring Interests Flowchart

CHPC Dispensation Procedure and Request Form


CHPC Motions Log – updated 12th December 2023

Public Participation is encouraged at meetings. The guidelines for public participation can be found here: Public-Participation 

Key Documents for Councillors

Finance Documents:

CHPC Annual Budget inc Month 1

CHPC Internal Audit Final Report 2022-23

CHPC Annual Governance Annual Return 2022-23

CHPC Annual Budget – By Centre 2021-2024

Governance Documents:

CHPC Standing Orders 2022-23

CHPC Financial Regulations 2022-23

Responsibilities of the Parish Council

Powers and Duties of the Parish Council 

Code of Conduct 2022-23

CHPC Motions Log – updated 22nd November 2023

Member Officer Protocol

Roles of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, Chairman and Councillor:

Clerk and RFO



GDPR responsibilities

CHPC Gifts and Hospitality Guidance

CHPC Gifts and Hospitality Register 2020/21

Sources of Information

The recommended websites for councillor information are

National Association of Local Councils (log in required for some parts – please contact the Clerk)

Hertfordshire Association of Local Councils (log in required for some parts – please contact the Clerk)

Also of interest might be papers from the House of Commons Library 

Local Government Association

St Albans District Council website

Hertfordshire County Council website

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