
As cuts in public services continue, there are increasing opportunities for community-minded individuals and groups to contribute towards the welfare of our local area.  If you would like to be a volunteer please contact the Parish Clerk or download this form:

Click on this link to open the CHPC Volunteer Application Form in Word

Please see below for some of the opportunities available, if your interest is not catered for? We are always open to new ideas about how to improve local life in the Colney Heath Parish – please contact the Parish Clerk with any suggestions.

Litter Picking – Community Events

The Parish Council are happy to organise community litter picks where a group of like-minded individuals can come together to ‘blitz’ an area. If you would like to register an interest in taking part in future events, please contact the Parish Clerk with your name, address and email address.

Tree Wardens

Volunteering as a Tree Warden is a great opportunity for people to play a part in conserving and enhancing local trees and woodlands. The scheme is open to all adults and there is no minimum skill level or time commitment required. Tree Wardens carry out a range of activities, from setting up tree nurseries and growing trees, to surveying and recording trees of local interest and organising awareness events for schools and communities. There are a range of training opportunities for Tree Wardens and the role is ideal for people who want to learn more about nature and are passionate about local woodlands.

More information about the Tree Warden scheme can be obtained from the Parish Clerk.

The Colney Heath Common Group

To assist the Common Ranger in tasks involving litter picking or clearing ragwort from areas of the Common.  For more details please contact the Parish Clerk.

Footpath Wardens

Are you a keen walker? Would you like to help make sure that all public rights of way in the Colney Heath Parish are kept open and in a passable condition? If you would like to become our local footpath ‘champion’, please contact the Parish Clerk.


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