Frequently Asked Questions

It can be very hard sometimes to know who does what when it comes to Public Services so we have listed below the most common questions that are usually asked and what to do about them. Click here to view a Who Does What In Local Government graphic

Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) has more comprehensive FAQ pages covering a wide range of information which you may like to visit if your question is not answered below.  Go to this link for HCC Services

1. There is a pothole on my road or other problem with a road. How can I report it?

You can report it online or call 0300 123 4040 with details of the problem and location. Please give as much information as possible on where the pothole is.

2. I have noticed a problem with a footpath that I use (overgrown hedges, fallen tree etc). Who can help me?

You can report it online or call 0300 123 4040 with details of the problem and location. Please give as much information as possible on where the problem is.

3. There is an overflowing bin that needs emptying.

Most of the rubbish and dog waste bins are emptied by contractors of St Albans District Council, however some waste bins and dog bins are emptied by the Parish Council. Please call the office on 01727 825314 or email with the location and we will advise you.


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