All papers for Parish Council meetings are contained within the meeting summons/agenda, hard copies can be obtained by calling the Parish Office.

The papers on this page have been linked into the appropriate agenda and are stored here so the links within the agenda remain active:


Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 27th June 2024 

2024-25 Paper 18 Draft APM Minutes 160524

2024-25 Paper 19a IA Cover Letter 2023-24

2024-25 Paper 19b IA Observations 2023-24

2024-25 Paper 19c IA Signed AGAR 2023-24

2024-25 Paper 20a CHPC Balance Sheet 2023-24

2024-25 Paper 20b CHPC Detailed Annual Return with variances 2023-24

2024-25 Paper 20c CHPC Annual Governance Annual Return 2023-24

Meeting Papers for Annual Parish Council Meeting 16th May 2024 

2024-25 Paper 12b  Savills Landowner letter – confidential circulation councillors only

2024-25 APM Paper 09b Payment Sheet Month 2 – May 2024

2024-25 APM Paper 09a Renewal of Approval for CHPC Regular Payments May 2024

2024-25 APM Paper 08d Health and safety statement review

2024-25 APM Paper 08c CHPC Code of Conduct Review

2024-25 APM Paper 08b Financial Regulations Review

2024-25 APM Paper 08a CHPC Standing Orders Review

2024-25 APM Paper 07b CHPC Working Party review

2024-25 APM Paper 07a CHPC Council Meeting dates and Committee Terms of Reference Review

2024-25 APM Paper 06 Draft Minutes of Meeting 180424


Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 18th April 2024

Item 140c – Background paper on Hertsmere Local Plan – Bowmans Cross

Item 138b – Communications Policy    

Item 137b – Effectiveness of Internal Controls  

Item 137a – Asset Register 2023/24 with figures noted 2024/25    

Item 136d  – Quote details for Common and Open Spaces tree survey

Item 136c –  Appendix 3 Roestock Hut Survey 100223

Item 136c – Appendix 2 -RPH-budget estimate items-categories

Item 136c – Appendix 1 Brief for budget for Roestock Park Hut works

Item 136c –  Quote details for Roestock Hut survey

Item 136b – Payment Sheet for Month 1 (April 2024) Financial Year 2024/25

Item 136a – Payment Sheet Month 12 (March 2024) Part 2 Financial Year 2023/24

Item 135 – Draft Minutes of Parish Council meeting held 21st March 2024

Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 21st March 2024

Item 126i – Changes to various permitted development rights

Item 126h – Traffic Sensitive Street Review 2024

Item 125 – St Albans District Council Planning Applications designation (non-major) – website extracts

Item 125 – St Albans District Council Planning Applications designation (non-major) – Designation letter

Item 124d – Business Continuity Plan 2024-25

Item 124c – Financial Management Risk Assessment 2024-25

Item 124b – Investment Strategy

Item 124a – Members Allowance Policy

Item 123 – Evaluation Summary of Grass Cutting Tenders

Item 122c – Quote for Parish Office Computer

Item 122a – Payment Sheet Month 12 (March 2024)

Item 121 – Draft Minutes of Parish Council meeting held 22nd February 2024

Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 22nd February 2024

Item 114e – 20240213-RPH-budget estimate items

Item 113c – NPSG Strategy Questions 220224

Item 113a – CHPC Terms of Reference NPSG Updated Feb 2024

Item 111m – Highfield Park Trust Newsletter Feb 2024

Item 110e Freedom of Information Request report

Item 110d – CHPC Procurement Policy Feb 2024

Item 110c – CHPC Members Allowance Policy Feb 2024

Item 110b – CHPC Habitual, Vexatious and Abusive Complaints Policy Feb 2024

Item 110a – CHPC Complaints Policy Feb 2024

Item 109  Community Grants – councillors only

Item 108a – Payment Sheet February 2024 Month 11

Item 107 Draft Minutes of Parish Council meeting held 18th January 2024

Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 18th January 2024 

The following papers have all been issued by the Parish Clerk/RFO on behalf of the Parish Council however any paper that has been issued by a Parish Councillor/s has been prepared without any input or advice of the Proper Officer/RFO.

Item 101b HCC Response to Consultation on Bullens Green Lane Speed Limit

Item 100e Roestock Hut Working Party report on site visits to District Scout Huts paper issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 99b D-Day 80th Anniversary 6th June 2024 Guide for participation – can be requested from Parish Office due to size of file

Item 98b Resident Formal Complaint

Item 98a Correspondence from CH Scout Group 4th December 2023

Item 98a Correspondence from CH Scout Group 1st December 2023

Item 96 Grass Cutting Contract Tender 2024-27 v1

Item 94b Q3 CHPC Financial Report (up to and including Month 9)

Item 94a Payment Sheet Month 10 (January 2024)

Item 93 Draft Minutes of Parish Council meeting held 14th December 2023 

Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 14th December 2023

Item 86e Development Comment for approval

Item 85 Precept figures and impact of increases

Item 84b CHPC v3 Ear Marked Reserves (EMRs) Budget Committee recommended

Item 84a CHPC v3 CHPC Budget 2024-25 Budget Committee recommended

Item 83a Draft Payment Sheet Month 9 (December 2023)

Item 82 Draft Minutes of Parish Council meeting held 23rd November 2023

Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 23rd November 2023

Item 75a The Kite advertising policy and process

Item 74a CH Parish Green Space Audit

Item 73g Bullens Green Speed Limit Proposals Nov 2023

Item 73f CHPC Draft Objection to Planning Application 520231923

Item 72 Vision and Plan 2023-24

Item 71a CHPC Month 8 Payment Sheet 2023-24

Item 70 DRAFT CHPC Minutes 191023

Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 19th October 2023

Item 65b SADALC Minutes from meeting 2nd October 2023

Item 63e Roestock Hut Working Party report issued by Cllr C Tallents & Cllr J Clemow

Item 63d Charles Morris Hall working party report issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 63c Planning Working party report redacted issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 63a Communications Working Party report issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 62c Environmental report issued by Cllr H Brazier and Cllr N Pettit

Item 62a Warren ghost ponds – first 150 days report

Item 60c CHPC Insurance renewal quote.   Nb.  Policy wording document 109 pages to councillors only

Item 60b.4 The Kite volunteer letter – issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 60b.3 The Kite newsletter distribution and delivery process – issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 60b.2 Newsletter volunteer form – issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 60b.1 Newsletter risk assessment – issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 60a.4     CHPC Alternative quote for Roestock Park bridge – plastic not wood

Item 60a.3     CHPC Play area maintenance quote for Tyttenhanger Park

Item 60a.2     CHPC Play area maintenance quote for Sleapshyde Park

Item 60a.1     CHPC Play area maintenance quote for Roestock Park

Item 59b CHPC Q2 Financial Report

Item 59a Draft Payment Sheet Month 7 (October 2023)

Item 58 Draft Minutes of Parish Council meeting held 21st September 2023 

Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 21st September 2023

The following papers have all been issued by the Parish Clerk/RFO on behalf of the Parish Council however any paper that has been issued by a Parish Councillor/s has been prepared without any input or advice of the Proper Officer/RFO.

Item 53d Tyttenhanger Quarry Liaison Report – issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 50 Draft Letter to residents at 53-81 High Street – issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 49 SADC Local Plan response V3 – issued by Neighbourhood Plan Project Officer (voluntary)

Item 48f Environment Working Party Report – issued by Cllr N Pettit and Cllr H Brazier 

Item 48e.3 Roestock Park Hut-asbestos scope report – issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 48e.2 Roestock Hut-actions to establish refurbishment budget issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 48e.1 Roestock Park Hut working party report and recommendations – issued by Cllr C Tallents and Cllr J Clemow

Item 48d Charles Morris Hall Working Party – issued by Cllr C Tallents and Cllr J Clemow

Item 48c Planning Working Party – issued by Cllr T Burns and Cllr J Clemow

Item 48b Community Organisations Working Party Report – issued by Cllr S Parish 

Item 48a Communications Working Party Report – issued by Cllr N Pettit and Cllr J Clemow

Item 47b The Kite Newsletter Advertising Report – issued by Cllr J Clemow

Item 47a The Kite Newsletter – October 2023 – Pages 5-8 – issued by Cllr N Pettit 

Item 47a The Kite Newsletter – October 2023 – Pages 1-4 issued by Cllr N Pettit 

Item 46.3  CHPC Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Item 46.2  Annual Governance return (AGAR) signed Section 3

Item 46.1  Annual Governance return (AGAR) signed Sections 1 and 2

Item 45b Draft Agreement between Derbyshire Environmental Trust and CHPC for £30,000 grant 

Item 45a Tenders for the new CH High Street Recreation Play Area – Commercially Confidential, Councillors only

Item 44 CHPC Community Grants Application forms and financial information – Commercially Confidential Councillors only

Item 43e Budget Committee Draft Terms of Reference – issued by Cllr Clemow

Item 43d CHPC Q1 Financial Report 

Item 43b Draft Payment Sheet Month 6 (September 2023) 

Item 43a Signed Payment Sheet Month 5 (August 2023) 

Item 42 Draft Minutes of previous Parish Council meeting held 3rd August 2023 

Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 3rd August 2023

The following papers were all issued by a Parish Councillor they have not been issued by an officer of the Council and no paper has been prepared without any input or advice of a qualified Proper Officer/RFO unless stated.

20230601-Track on the Common-rev1 report issued by Cllr J Clemow 

Rule 6 Statement of Case – not issued with agenda

20230721-Vision and Plan for 23_24 – report issued by C llr C Tallents and Cllr Clemow

20230724-Parish Council new logo presentation (1) – report issued by Cllt N Pettit

20230726-Working Party reports – collated by Cllr J Clemow and reports written and issued as follows:

Planning Working Party reported issued by Cllr T Burns and Cllr J Clemow

Communications Working Party report issued by Cllr N Pettit

Charles Morris Hall Working Party report issued by Cllr C Tallents and Cllr J Clemow

Roestock Park Hut Working Party report issued by Cllr J Clemow

Community Organisations Working Party report issued by Cllr S Parish

Environment Report issued by Cllr H Brazier and Cllr N Pettit

Payments for Month 4 2023_24 – issued by the Finance Officer

Payments for Month 3 2023_24 – issued by the Finance Officer

DRAFT CHPC Minutes 220623 – issued by the Parish Clerk

Meeting Papers for Parish Council Meeting 22nd June 2023

Item 24b Play Area Inspection Report June 2023

Item 24a River Colne at Colney Heath Common LWS Report June 2023

Item 23b CMH Parties Committee Annual Bonfire and Fireworks Event 2023

Item 23a CHSG Letter Roestock Hut

Item 22k Neighbourhood Plan options paper 

Item 22j Planning Applications Pre-Application Protocol 2023

Item 22i HCC Rural Estate Strategic Plan June 2023

Item 21b CHPC Working Party 2023-24 Report

Item 21a Records Management and Retention Policy 2023

Item 20c CHPC Grant Application Policy, Timetable and Application Form

Item 20a Signed Payment Sheet for May 2023 (Month 2)

Item 19 Draft Minutes of the previous Parish Council Meeting – Annual Meeting 18th May 2023

Meeting Papers for Annual Parish Council Meeting 18th May 2023

Item 11c Annual Governance Annual Return 2022/23

Item 11b Annual Return detailed 2022/23

Item 11a CHPC Balance Sheet 2022/23

Item 10c Internal Auditor Completed Page 3 of CHPC AGAR 2022/23

Item 10b Internal Auditor Observations Report 2022/23

Item 10a Internal Auditor Letter 2022/23

Item 09c Review of Financial Management Risk Assessment 2023/24

Item 09b Review of the Effectiveness of Internal Controls 2023/24

Item 09a Asset Register 2022/23

Item 08d Renewal of Approval for CHPC Direct Debits and Standing Orders

Item 08b April (Month 1) signed payment sheet

Item 08a March (Month 12) part 2 signed payment sheet

Item 07g Press and Media 2023/24

Item 07f Data Protection Policy 2023/24

Item 07e Freedom of Information Request Policy 2023/24

Item 07d Health and safety statement 2023-24

Item 07c Code of Conduct 2023/24 

Item 07b Financial Regulations 2023/24 

Item 07a Standing Orders 2023/24

Item 06 Council Meeting Dates, Staffing Committee and External Organisations 2023-24

Item 05 Draft Minutes of the previous Parish Council Meeting 16th March 2023


Meeting Papers for Full Council Meeting 16th March 2023 

Item 119 Roestock Hut Survey February 2023

Item 118 Asset of Community Value – papers disclosed by SADC – this is an 80 page paper and is available by emailing the Clerk at

Item 117 HR Committee Minutes 27 February 2023 redacted

Item 115h Ear Marked Reserves as of end Month 11 2023 

Item 115g Freedom of Information response

Item 115f Coronation Report

Item 115a Payment Sheet for March 2023 – only up to 10th March 2023

Item 114 Draft Minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting 16th February 2023

Meeting Papers for Full Council Meeting 16th February 2023

Item 107d Detailed Income and Expenditure report as at end January 2023

Item 107c CHPC Ear Marked Reserves (EMR) as at end January 2023

Item 107b Bank Balances as at end January 2023

Item 107a CHPC Budget 2023/24 version 5 (February 2023)

Item 106b Neighbourhood Plan Report 

Item 104a Environment Committee minutes 30th January 2023 DRAFT 

Item 104a Environment Committee minutes 1st November 2022

Item 103e Interim Internal Audit Observations

Item 103e Interim Internal Audit Summary

Item 103e Interim Internal Audit Cover Letter

Item 103d CHPC Investment Policy 

Item 103a Payment Sheet for February 2023 (Month 11)

Item 102 Draft Parish Council minutes of last meeting 6th February 2023

Meeting Papers for Extraordinary Full Council Meeting 6th February 2023

Item 97dii St Albans District Council Guide to Assets of Community Value

Item 97a Community Governance Sealed Order 26/01/2023

Item 96 Draft Parish Council minutes of the last meeting 26th January 2023

Item 94a The Seven Principles of Public Life – the NOLAN principles ––2

Meeting Papers for Full Council Meeting 26th January 2023

Item 90b Information link on new requirement from May 2023 for voters in elections to provide ID –

Item 90a Freedom of Information response from Environment Agency regarding Fredericks Wood & Osier Beds

Item 89c CHPC Ear Marked Reserves (EMR) as at end December 2022

Item 89b CHPC Balance Sheet as at end December 2022

Item 89a CHPC Budget 2023/24 version 4 (January 2023)

Item 88b Vehicular Access to Common Land Report January 2023

Item 87b St Albans District Association of Local Councils (SADALC) minutes 9 January 2023

Item 87a Community Governance Review (CGR) Sealed Order – not delivered in time for meeting – deferred until February 2023

Item 86c Grant Report – 2nd round allocations

Item 86b Draft payment sheet for Month 10 for approval

Item 86a Signed payment sheet for Month 9 for retrospective approval

Item 85 Draft Parish Council Minutes of last meeting 1st December 2022

Meeting Papers for Full Council Meeting 1st December 2022

Item 79b Roestock Annual Building Inspection Nov 22

Item 78 CHPC Budget 2023/24 version 3 (December 2022)

Item 78 CHPC Bank Balances as at end October 2022 

Item 75a Signed payment sheet for Month 8 for retrospective approval

Item 74 Civility & Respect Pledge Report and video

Item 73 Draft Parish Council Minutes of last meeting 17th November 2022

Meeting Papers for Full Council Meeting 17th November 2022

Agenda for Policy Committee on Thursday, 24th November, 2022, 7.00 pm | St Albans City and District Council (

Community Governance Review | St Albans City and District Council

Item 64e – CHPC Month 6 Income & Expenditure Report

Item 64 Signed payment sheet for Month 7 for retrospective approval

Item 63 Draft Parish Council Minutes of last meeting 27th October 2022

Meeting Papers for Full Council Meeting 27th October 2022

Item 56a Report on confidentiality of Community Survey

Item 52 Draft Parish Council Minutes of last meeting 29th September 2022

Meeting Papers for Full Council Meeting 29th September 2022

Item 45b Colney Heath ward leaflet unpublished

Item 45b Highfield ward leaflet published

Item 45b Hill End ward submission

Item 45b Highfield ward submission

Item 45b Colney Heath ward submission

Item 45b Colney Heath ward submission

Item 45a CHPC Community Governance Review Submission 

Item 44b Confidential circulation to councillors only

Item 44a CHPC Community Survey Eventure Final Report

Item 43b Draft Finance & Governance Committee meeting minutes 19 July 2022

Item 43a Draft redacted HR Committee meeting minutes 14 July 2022

Item 42 Conclusion of CHPC Audit 2021/22

Item 42 Section 3 Signed CHPC AGAR 2021/22

Item 42 Sections 1 and 2 Signed CHPC AGAR 2021/22

Item 41b Payment Sheet Month 6 – September 2022

Item 41b Payment Sheet Month 5 – August 2022

Item 40 Draft Parish Council Minutes of last meeting 28 July 2022 

Meeting Papers for Full Council Meeting 28th July 2022 

Item 33c  SADC Community Governance Review Outline Response DRAFT

Item 33b CHPC Budget 2023/24 Community Governance Budget 

Item 32 CHPC Community Survey Topline Results 2022

Item 31a Environment Committee Minutes 6 July 2022

Item 30a Payment Sheet Month 4 – July 2022

Item 29 Parish Council Minute of last meeting 30 June 2022

Meeting Papers for Full Council Meeting 30th June 2022

Item 17 Minutes of Parish Council meeting 19th May 2022

Item 18a Payment Sheet Month 3 – June 2022

Item 18c Community Grant Applications Report

Item 20a High Street Recreation Ground Play Area Concept and examples of equipment 

Item 20b Breakdown of costs for High Street Recreation Play Area

Item 21a Community Governance Review SADC Initial Report

Item 21a Community Governance Review SADC Appendix of responses 

Item 21b Hertsmere Borough Council Community Governance Considerations Report

Item 21c Community Governance Review Starter Budget 2023/24

Item 22b – Disposal of Parish owned Land June 2022

Item 23b ICO decision notice (redacted)

Meeting Papers for Annual Parish Meeting 19th May 2022

Item 6 Minutes of Parish Council meeting 21st April 2022 

Item 7 Committee Appointment Paper 2022/23

Item 8a CHPC Standing Orders for review

Item 8b CHPC Financial Regulations for review

Item 8c CHPC Current Code of Conduct for  2021-22

Item 8c Recommended CHPC Current Code of Conduct for 2022-23

Item 8d CHPC Health & Safety Statement for review

Item 8e CHPC Complaints Policy for review

Item 9 Payment Sheet Month 2 – May 2022

Item 10a Draft Internal Audit Report for accounts ending 31 March 2022

Item 10b Effectiveness of Internal Audit controls for review

Item 11a CHPC Balance Sheet 2021-22

Item 11b CHPC Detailed Annual Return 2021-22

Item 11c CHPC Annual Governance Annual Return 2021-22


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