From Tuesday 9th May all planning applications are reviewed at a Full Council meeting monthly.  If you wish to comment on an application please note the meeting date and agenda and you will be able to attend and address the Parish Council on that application prior to the debate.

Parish Council Responses to Planning Applications  

5/2022/0599 now


Land To Rear Of 96 To 106 High Street Colney Heath Hertfordshire
Outline application (means of access sought) for up to 45 dwellings including new affordable homes, with areas of landscaping and public open space, including points of access, and associated infrastructure works
Rule 6 party on this appeal confirmed by resolution 14/12/2023




3 Ye Olde House Sleapshyde Smallford St Albans AL4 0SE

Single storey side and rear extension

Two storey side and rear extensions

Listed Building consent – Single storey side and rear extension

Review required – delegated to the Planning Working Party and the Parish Clerk

9 Sleapcross Gardens Smallford St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 0RX

Single storey rear extension and double storey front extension

The Parish Council are writing to formally object to the proposed planning application for the single-storey rear extension and double-storey front extension.


The Parish Council objection stems from concerns regarding the size of the development and its alignment with the surrounding properties. The proposed extensions appear disproportionate and out of scale with the neighbouring buildings. Specifically, the frontage extending too far forward and not being in line with adjacent properties disrupts the visual continuity of the street and detracts from the cohesive character of the neighbourhood.


Furthermore, the substantial increase in the size of the property, particularly with the addition of a double-storey front extension, is not in keeping with the established scale and proportions of the surrounding buildings. This deviation from the existing architectural context could potentially undermine the aesthetic harmony of the area and diminish the overall quality of the streetscape.

The Parish Council believe it is crucial to preserve the character and integrity of our neighbourhood by ensuring that developments are sensitive to the surrounding environment. Therefore, we would urge the planning department to reconsider the scale and design of the proposed extensions to better align with the existing streetscape and address the concerns raised by the community.


The Crooked Billet 88 High Street Colney Heath St Albans AL4 0NP

Listed Building consent – Reinstatement of walls and windows following damage from vehicle damage

The Parish Council would like to express their full support for the proposed planning application regarding the reinstatement of walls and windows following damage caused by vehicle impact to the Crooked Billet Public House.

The unfortunate incident resulting in damage to the building not only posed safety concerns but also had a detrimental impact on village life. The closure of the building disrupted community activities and services, affecting the residents of the village adversely.

The Parish Council fully understand the importance of preserving our village heritage and maintaining its architectural integrity. Therefore, they would like to  commend the efforts to restore the damaged walls and windows, ensuring the preservation of our village’s historical character.

It is essential to prioritise the restoration of the building to its former state, contributing to the enhancement of village life and the well-being of its residents. It significance for the community cannot be more expressed that its recent confirmation as an Asset of Community Value.

In light of the aforementioned reasons, I urge the planning department to approve this application promptly, allowing for the timely reinstatement of the damaged walls and windows.




43 Meadway Colney Heath St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 0PS

New end of terrace single occupancy dwelling house

Double storey and single storey rear extensions, roof extension with rear dormer windows and front rooflights for loft conversion and single storey front extension

The Parish Council wish to formally object to the proposed planning application for the new end of terrace single occupancy dwelling house, including double-storey and single-storey rear extensions, roof extension with rear dormer windows, front rooflights for loft conversion, and a single-storey front extension.

Upon reviewing the details of the application, the Parish Council feel it is evident that the proposed development is not in harmony with the character and aesthetic of the surrounding area. The addition of double-storey and single-storey rear extensions, along with a roof extension and front rooflights, would significantly alter the visual landscape and architectural integrity of the unique character of Colney Heath village.

Furthermore, the introduction of a single-storey front extension may exacerbate congestion issues and disrupt the established streetscape. It is crucial to preserve the existing character of the area and ensure that new developments complement the surrounding built environment.

The Parish Council believe that this proposal fails to adhere to the principles of good urban design and does not demonstrate sensitivity to the local context. Therefore, the Parish Council respectfully urge the planning department to reject the application in its current form.

The Farmhouse Round House Farm Roestock Lane Colney Heath St Albans Al4 0Pp
Certificate of lawfulness (proposed) – Single storey rear extensions, single storey side extension, and a rear dormer
Review required – delegated to the Planning Working Party and the Parish Clerk
Land Adjacent The Cats Whiskers 1 Oaklands Lane Smallford St Albans Al4 0Hr
Outline application (access, layout and scale sought) for one, detached self-build/custom-build bungalow following the demolition of all existing structures and hardstanding
Review required – delegated to the Planning Working Party and the Parish Clerk
107 Colney Heath, Colney Heath, Hertfordshire  AL4 0TN
Outline Application (Access) – Construction of up to 27 dwellings including access and associated works
Objection submitted 09/02/2024

CHPC Response 5-2023-2308 090224

9 Station Road Smallford St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 0HA
Removal of outbuilding, create two storey side and rear extension and loft
Objection submitted 06/02/2024

CHPC Response 5-2023-2560 Station Road 060224

Land At Junction Of Roestock Lane And Bullens Green Lane Colney Heath St Albans Hertfordshire
Construction of nine dwellings with new vehicular access, provision of new landscaping and associated works
Objection submitted 19/12/2023

CHPC Objection Land between Roestock Lane and Bullens Green 5-2023-2100

Land Between The Alban Way And Colney Heath Lane St Albans Hertfordshire
Outline application (access sought) – Construction of up to 190 dwellings to include 50% affordable housing and 10% self-build and custom housing, a minimum of 6ha of public open space, landscaping, biodiversity habitat, formation of new access 
Objection submitted 03/12/2023

CHPC Objection

CHPC Objection 5-2023-1923 Appendices 1 and 2

CHPC Objection 5-2023-1923 Appendices 3 and 4

High Street, Colney Heath
Two storey rear extension with juliette balcony, single storey front porch and front bay window extensions, alterations to openings and new side openings, alterations to elevation materials of house and garage, alteration to western boundary of site
Comment submitted 30/11/2023

under the proviso that the balustrade was opaque as shown on the application drawings the Parish Council had no further comment to make on this application.

Land Rear Of Round House Farm Roestock Lane Colney Heath St Albans Hertfordshire
Outline application (access sought) – Construction of up to 110 dwellings, a community building, new vehicular access and associated works
Objection submitted 22/05/2023

CHPC Objection

RTA maps and data

Pavement assessment

5/2023/0605 Land At Junction Of Roestock Lane And Bullens Green Lane Colney Heath Objection submitted 04/05/2023

CHPC objection

Colney Heath Pavement Assessment

Land At Hatfield Aerodrome Off Hatfield Road St Albans Hertfordshire
see objection submitted 24/01/2023

CHPC objection to PL-0232-21 Hatfield Quarry App 240123

5/2022/1988 Land To The Rear Of 42-100 Tollgate Road & 42 Tollgate Road Colney Heath Objection submitted 08/02/2023

CHPC Objection to 5/2022/1988

PL/0232/21 Proposed application for the establishment of a new quarry on land at the former Hatfield Aerodrome, including new access onto the A1057, aggregate processing plant and other ancillary facilities, together with the importation of inert fill material to restore the mineral workings Objection submitted 24/01/2023

CHPC objection to PL-0232-21 Hatfield Quarry App 240123


CPRE Responses 2023 

Roestock Lane Bullens Green Lane (land at junction of) Colney Heath – CPREHertfordshire 2023-05-12

Round House Farm (land rear of) Roestock Lane Colney Heath – CPREHertfordshire 2023-05-12

Round House Farm, Roestock Lane, Colney Heath – CPRE Response Hertfordshire 2023-01-25


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