The Parish Council will endeavour to give advance notice of the planning applications the Full Council will be reviewing at its monthly meetings – see Meeting Dates.  All meetings of the Parish Council are open to members of the public except where an Agenda states differently.

Given the nature of the advance notice of planning applications shown below, the Parish Council reserves the right to add to or subtract items from the list.

It should be noted that although the Parish Council is a statutory consultee for planning applications in the Colney Heath Parish area ultimately it is St Albans District Council (SADC), as the planning authority, who will make the final decision on any application submitted to them.  A link to the SADC planning applications website can be found here.


Issues the Parish Council IS able to consider include: Issues the Parish Council is NOT able to consider include:
development within the Metropolitan Green Belt loss of view
loss of privacy/impact on residential amenity effect on property values
overshadowing/overbearing impact private rights
highway safety, traffic and parking issues boundary disputes
noise construction noise
visual amenity/street scene
historic buildings and conservation
design and materials
appearance of the development
capacity of infrastructure


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